The “Good for You” Magna Wellness program offers fun, interactive, educational health and wellness resources and initiatives to help you achieve optimal health. We aim to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need in order to achieve your health goals.
Program Components include:
- Lunch & Learns: Interactive monthly educational sessions to provide information on various health topics
- Health Screenings: At-work screenings for various health coaching programs, including diabetes, cardiovascular health, weight management, and stress management
- Challenges: Fun health challenges among employees and between divisions to encourage employees to get active and make healthy lifestyle changes
- Health Coaching: One-on-one coaching with a Health Promotion Coordinator to provide information and support setting SMART goals and making health behaviour changes
Our Four Health Programs are:
- Heart Health Program: This program includes voluntary blood pressure screenings and opportunities for comprehensive blood cholesterol testing.
- Diabetes Program: Our Diabetes program assess blood sugar management and offers HbA1C testing, which measures your average blood glucose levels over the past few months.
- Stretch & Stregthen Program: Our Stretch & Strengthen Program is designed to integrate physical activity into your daily routine. Attend voluntary exercise sessions during your shift to learn and practice effective workout techniques that enhance strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness.
- Full Health Screening: This screening encompasses a range of tests from our various programs, providing a thorough evaluation of your overall health status in a single, convenient session.
Check out our health programs to boost your health and make meaningful progress in your health journey!