A little bit of history....
The mystery of 10,000 steps actually dates to 1965, when a Japanese company made a device called “Manpo-Kei’’ which translates to 10,000 steps meter. This device was made in Japan and was inspired by the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. At this time there was an increased focus on fitness and the people in Japan were inclined to walk their lifestyle diseases away. This device was a very simple pedometer that could only go up to 10,000 steps, after this benchmark was achieved the device would reset back to zero. The logic behind taking 10,000 steps each day was that the average person in Japan took about 3500 – 5000 steps each day, and increasing the daily step count to 10,000 a day could help decrease their risk of diseases such as coronary artery disease.
How does a pedometer (step-counter) work?
A pedometer works by counting the number of times our body tilts to each side when we walk. When we move our right leg, our body tilts to the right, this is equivalent to one step on the pedometer. Therefore, anytime the pedometer detects movement it counts it as a step
Benefits of 10 000 steps
Setting a daily step goal consists of many health benefits., Taking 10, 000 steps each day is equivalent to approximately 8 kilometers/4.9 miles or an hour and 40 minutes of walking. Incorporating a daily goal of 10,000 steps in our everyday routine is an excellent first step to fighting a sedentary lifestyle. Walking is a low-impact weight-bearing exercise, which means that it requires minimal effort, no equipment and your favourite pair of comfortable shoes. Walking every day can help reduce the risk of common lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and depression. It is also an excellent low-risk exercise for weight loss. When we set a goal, such as taking 10, 000 steps each day, and we reach this goal, we instantly feel happier and more energetic. This is because setting goals and achieving them causes the release of the “happy” hormone also known as dopamine in our bodies, the release of this hormone further motivates us and drives us to seek more achievements. Walking is not the only way to achieve your 10,000 steps goal, this goal can be accomplished in many ways such as skipping, jogging, running, or even climbing up the stairs! The overall purpose of setting a goal of 10 000 steps is to ensure that we are active and moving throughout the day.
Here are few applications you can download to count your steps!
- Pacer Pedometer and Step Tracker
- My Fitness Pal
- Google Fit
- StepsApp Pedometer