Co-Ex-Tec Maintenance Supervisor Navindra Persaud had been doing short cardio runs, but an invitation from a friend propelled his fitness regimen to another level. In 2009, a classmate invited Navindra to join the Acura 10 Miler event. Soon after, he completed 2 half marathons, followed by a full marathon. He went on to do six more, including the famous NYC marathon, though his favorite was the event in Ottawa. “I also completed two 30km runs and a 50km Ultra-Marathon in the Niagara Region, which was a real test of endurance and fitness under a stifling 31 degrees Centigrade.”
“To run a marathon requires intense discipline, dedication, hard-core training, and a well-balanced diet.”
Navindra doesn’t follow a special diet but consumes fresh home-cooked meals, lots of fruits and vegetables, and sufficient water. Leading up to a race, he trains six days a week for 16 weeks, followed by a two-week tapering off. “I stay motivated by training all year, even when it’s cold.” He signs up for events throughout the year to maintain his training schedule. The added benefit? “Training helps me physically and mentally in my daily activities and helps to reduce stress.”
With the support of his wife and two sons, Navindra runs to support charitable causes and for his personal enjoyment. “I set myself small achievable goals,” he says, like achieving a better time or increasing his distance. He shares a few basic running tips for anyone just getting started:
- Get proper running shoes and attire.
- Start small and work your way up to a set goal, whether it’s 2km, 5km, etc.
- Create a simple training program tailored to your fitness level.
- Track your progress to see how you’re improving.
- Listen to your body.
- Drink plenty of water or a sports drink that replaces lost electrolytes.
- Basic strength training is essential.
Apart from running, Navindra enjoys golfing, playing cricket, and working on his organic kitchen garden. “I am also an active Canadian Blood Donor.” He hopes to motivate and inspire others in their personal fitness goals. “You need to start small,” he advises. Give it your whole-hearted effort, and “eventually you can run these distances.”
What’s next for this Co-Ex-Tec employee?
“I don’t usually set goals too far out, but Boston is on my mind.”
Go Navindra!