Sudden feelings of warm (especially over the face, neck and chest), red skin, and profuse sweating are classic signs of a hot flash.
Hot flashes are commonly experienced by women prior to, or in the early stages of menopause, a time in a woman’s life when their menstrual period stops. Depending on the person, hot flashes may occur a few times a week or several times a day, lasting from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
There are a variety of treatments for hot flashes, such as hormone therapy and other drug treatments. Always speak to your doctor if you want to learn more information about possible treatment approaches. However, if your hot flashes are mild, you may not require drug treatments and may be able to manage symptoms with a few lifestyle changes. Try the following tips:
Keep Cool
It only takes a small increase in body core temperature to trigger a hot flash. Lower the room temperature if you can: open up a window, sip on a cold drink when you feel a hot flash coming on, and/or dress in layers so you can easily remove clothing when you feel too warm.
Watch What You Eat and Drink
Certain foods, such as hot and spicy dishes, caffeinated drinks, or alcohol can trigger a hot flash. Pay attention to your own triggers and avoid certain foods and/or drinks in the future.
Find relief from hot flashes through yoga, meditation, relaxation, or other stress-reducing techniques.
Don’t Smoke
As if you need another reason to butt out. In addition to serious health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke, smoking is linked to an increased frequency of hot flashes.
Sources: Mayo Clinic, Natural Holistic Health