
Combat Stress with Meditation

You can teach your body how to better cope with stress by practicing meditation.

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What is Meditation?

Meditation is a mental exercise which allows you to gain control over your attention. With meditation you can choose what to focus upon, rather than worrying about the future or negative feelings of the past. For example, you can focus on a word, a sound, an image, or simply your breathing.

Benefits of Meditation

Regular meditation helps to reduce heart rate, slow breathing lower blood pressure, and increase the body’s ability to cope with stress. Regular meditation can also decrease anxiety, improve sleep, provide headache relief, and contribute to a general state of wellbeing.

Follow these steps to learn how to meditate

Meditation is best learned in a relatively quiet, comfortable environment. If you wish you may play some soothing music.

1. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down.

2. Let your muscles relax as best you can, close your eyes, and concentration on your breathing.

3. Next find your focus. You can focus on a word, a sound, an image, or your breathe. Continue to do this for 20 minutes.

4. When you have finished meditating, let your body slowly adjust. Open your eyes gradually, taking several deep breaths.

5. Slowly start to move your body and stretch.

Tips for a successful Meditation Session

  • The best time to meditate is first thing in the morning, before eating, or before bed.
  • Avoid caffeine and smoking before beginning meditation,  as you may find it harder to relax and focus.
  • Don’t rush. Remove all distraction. Relax and enjoy it. This time is for you to take care of yourself. 

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