Choose one thing to focus on today.

Choose a self-care activity and make time for your mental health.
- Practice gratitude
- Practice deep breathing – in for 4 seconds, out for 8 seconds
- Listen to music you enjoy
- Call a friend and have a chat
- Read a book or magazine
- Practice yoga
- Take your anxiety or depression medication
- Go to an exercise class
- Laugh – watch a funny movie or comedy show
- Have a quiet cup of tea or coffee
- Send a thank you card or email
- Eliminate distractions and just take time to sit in quiet
- Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself for mistakes
- Complete a puzzle
- Have a family game night
- Make a meal you love
- Go for a walk in nature
- Visit a museum
- Make an appointment with a therapist or physiotherapist
- Pray or engage in spiritual worship
- Get a good night sleep – 7 to 9 hours
- Enjoy a hobby you haven’t in a while
- Talk to a friend, family member or colleague about how you are feeling
- Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks that are causing you stress