
Mental Health Activities

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Here are 3 activities that you can do to improve your mental health and help with stress relief

1) Mindful Colouring

When we hear the word coloring we might think that it is a children’s activity. Although it is a popular children's activity, mindful colouring can also be used by adults to help de-stress, relax, and test your creativity! Colouring helps to put our mind in a meditative state and can be very therapeutic. It has also been shown to lower our heart rate which can reduce our feelings of anxiety. Check out this link for designs that you can print and start colouring.

Note: To make it more challenging, you can try painting instead of colouring!

2) Meditation

Meditation is a simple and inexpensive way to reduce stress. Essentially, when we meditate, our mind eliminates all other thoughts and only focuses on the meditation. This can give us a sense of calm and peace that can benefit our emotional well-being and our overall health. There are many guided meditation videos available online. Check out this link for a 10-minute meditation video that can help reduce anxiety.

3) Cooking

Yes! Cooking! When we cook, our attention is focused on following the recipe and making sure that the food turns out tasty and delicious. Cooking can be therapeutic because it sparks creativity, distracts us from other stresses of life, and also allows us to feel instant gratification once you taste your delicious creation. The Magna Wellness website has many easy and healthy recipes that you can try under the "Let's Learn" tab then "Health Articles!"

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