
DIY Skin Scrub

The winter months can take a toll on your skin as the weather continues to get colder and humidity levels drop. This causes the water in the outermost layer of your skin and moisture to evaporate at a much faster pace, making it more difficult to keep your skin hydrated. It's important to be prepared to stay healthy and keep our skin hydrated.

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  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp green tea leaves
  • 1 cup organic white sugar or brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp honey


  1. Open the green tea bag and measure the necessary amount of green tea leaves.
  2. In a medium-size bowl, combine the green tea leaves, olive oil, sugar, and honey. Mix together well.
  3. Store the exfoliator in a glass jar or air-tight container. Keep it in a dark place, such as the medicine cabinet or cupboard.

Benefits of the Ingredients:

  • Sugar:
    • Most skin care products use microbeads, which are synthetic products made from plastic. Not only can microbeads be very rough and may tear your skin, but they are also harmful to the environment. Replacing these microbeads with a natural exfoliant, such as sugar, is not only beneficial for your skin but also for the environment.
    • Sugar is a gentle exfoliator and it dissolves in water. It uses gentle pressure from the hands to remove dead skin cells slowly. Choose smaller grain sugar, such as brown sugar, as the large grain types can be damaging to your skin.
  • Olive Oil:
    • Store-bought skin products tend to remove natural oils from your skin when using them. Olive oil leaves your skin's natural oils intact. This is beneficial because oil helps keep our skin healthy – it works to protect, heal, and moisturize our skin.
    • It contains Vitamin E, which improves skin health by treating inflammation, acne, and dryness. Olive oil, or other natural oils, also acts as a great makeup remover. Some makeup can be harder to take off; since makeup is usually made of oil, an oil-based cleanser helps remove stubborn makeup.
  • Honey:
    • Honey is full of antioxidants that help delay signs of aging and helps to prevent and treat acne because of its natural antibacterial properties.
    • Honey has antimicrobial properties and antioxidants that pull away bacteria and dead skin from your pores. Honey also works to unclog pores, keep the skin soft, smooth, and glowing.
  • Green Tea:
    • Green tea is known for having antioxidants that help reactivate cells, fight against inflammation, bacteria, and damaged skin.
    • Green tea helps treat oily skin, eliminate acne and blackheads, remove dead skin cells, and rejuvenate the dying ones.

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