Osteoporosis is a disease that takes years to develop without any warning signs. Bone mineral is gradually lost, making the bones weaker and more prone to fracturing or breaking. These fractures usually happen in the hip, spine, wrist, or shoulder, and they are called fragility fractures. Because the first warning sign of osteoporosis is often a fracture, it is called “the silent thief” as it literally steals bone mass without giving any indication of doing so whatsoever, until a fracture occurs.
A fragility fracture is one that occurs easily from a simple activity such as reaching, bending, or sneezing. It can also occur following a minor injury such as a fall. Fractures do not normally occur in these situations in people with healthy bone density.
Fragility fractures represent the majority of all fractures in women and men age 50 and over. These can have devastating health consequences including pain, decreased quality of life, loss of independence, and even death.
To learn more about osteoporosis and your risk, visit https://osteoporosis.ca/ and take the quiz to learn about your individual risk factors.