Are you interested in learning more about some of the more common diet trends? See below for more information on some of the more popular diet trends!
The Vegan Diet avoids all animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy, and focuses on eating plant-based foods, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.
- AVOID: Animal products, butter, cream, fish, eggs, dairy, and cheese.
The Paleo Diet, commonly known as the “caveman” or “ancestor” diet, is based on eating foods that our ancestors ate. The diet focuses on eating non-processed foods rather than counting calories.
- EAT: Meat, fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts and seeds, and healthy oils.
- AVOID: Processed foods, white sugar, cereal grains, dairy, legumes, potatoes, vegetable oils, and salt.
A Gluten-Free Diet is based on eliminating foods that contain gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, some oats, and other grains. Some individuals do this to manage food sensitivities or an allergy, and others eat gluten-free based on personal choice.
- AVOID: Bread, pastries, pasta and noodles, crackers, baked goods, cereal, sauces and gravies, beer, and any product with “wheat flour” as an ingredient.
The Ketogenic Diet is based on eating foods high in healthy fats. The nutrient intake goal is to eat 70% fats, 25% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. As a result, the diet is also known as a “low-carb diet”. The purpose is to encourage the body to burn fat as fuel, instead of sugar.
- EAT: Meats, leafy greens, vegetables, high fat dairy, nuts and seeds, avocado, berries, and healthy fats.
- AVOID: Grains, sugar, fruit, potatoes, and root vegetables.
Intermittent Fasting refers to fasting, or not eating any food for a set period of time, typically 8-12 hours. The diet does not focus on what foods you eat, but rather the timing of your meals. It is believed that intermittent fasting has benefits related to weight loss and metabolic health.
The Alkaline Diet is based on the idea of removing foods that create acidity in the body. It is suggested to have many health benefits including stronger bones and muscles, reducing inflammation and improves metabolism.
- EAT: Organic (when possible), fresh fruits and vegetables, raw foods, plant proteins (such as some nuts, seeds, and legumes), soybeans, and tofu.
- AVOID: Alcohol, caffeine, grains, conventional meats, eggs, processed foods, flour, refined sugar, some forms of dairy (yogurt and kefir are allowed), and excess animal meats in the diet (from non-grass-fed sources).
The Mediterranean Diet involves eating mostly plant-based foods (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts), and healthy fats (such as extra virgin olive oil) while reducing red meat consumption to no more than a few times a month and eating fish or poultry at least twice a week. It has been shown to reduce the body’s bad cholesterol and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic health conditions.
- EAT: Fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, whole grains, and limit unhealthy fats.
- AVOID: Added sugar, refined grains, trans fat, refined oils, processed foods and meats, and eat red meat sparingly.
Weight Loss Grant
If you are serious about losing weight and want to be financially rewarded for your efforts, consider applying for a weight loss grant! To be considered, simply apply by visiting:, or call 1-866-670-6578, 9am-9pm ET, Monday to Friday. All steps required to apply for this grant are noted under the “How it Works” tab on the website listed above. The amount of your grant will be up to 80% of the cost of your weight loss program, to a maximum of $2,500, and is conditional upon full compliance with the terms and conditions of this program.