
Balance Challenge

Your sense of balance is key to living a stable life! How good is your balance?

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Try this challenge and find out!

Single Leg Stance – Beginner

  • Standing on one leg, place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders
  • Do not let your legs touch each other
  • Look straight ahead with your eyes open
  • Ideally, do this with shoes off

Start the timer once you are in position. Stop the timer if the foot moves on the floor, the foot touches down, or the arms move from their starting position.

Single Leg Stance – Advanced

  • Standing on one leg, place your arms across your chest with hands touching your shoulders
  • Do not let your legs touch each other

Follow the same start/stop timing procedures as the beginner single leg stance.

Record how long you can balance on one leg. Try to beat your time each day or gather your coworkers together and see who can balance the longest! Practicing your balance every day is a great way to prevent injuries and improve your posture.


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