
Natural Antiseptics

During the cold and flu season it is important to keep bathrooms, kitchens, and office spaces clean and free of harmful germs that might spread and cause illness.

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Some essential oils contain powerful antiseptic properties that help to kill harmful bacteria, fungi, and that can cause illness. A few of the most popular essential oils include: tea tree oil, lemon oil rosemary oil, and lavender oil.

  • Tea tree oil: derived from an Australian tree and has anti-fungal properties. Did you know: this essential oil has been used for hundreds of years.
  • Lemon oil: according to research, this oil is one of the most powerful anti-microbial oils. Did you know: the essential oil comes from the lemon peel and not the inner fruit.
  • Lavender oil: Powerful germ-fighting properties, while also having a great smell! Did you know: This is also used to help heal burns and cuts. Essential oils can be added to organic and natural sprays, however you can also make some yourself. You can find essential oils at your local health food stores, or in some beauty sections of grocery stores.

Make you own spray:

    • Get 1 cup water
    • Add 30 drops of tee tree oil, lavender and/or lemon oil
    • Mix well and pour into a spray bottle
    • Use daily to clean surfaces around your home


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