When you are hungry, running late and want something quick, fast-food can be very tempting. We all know eating on the go can ruin a healthy diet and increase your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

A research study conducted by the University Of Minnesota School Of Public Health found that consuming fast food 2-3 times a week increased the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 50%. Worse, the risk increased to 80% for those who ate fast food 4 or more times a week!
Ready to kick fast food to the curb? Try these simple tips.
Go back a size: If cutting fast food out altogether feels like too big of a change, try reducing the size of your order. Medium fries? Swap it for small. Extra-large double double? Swap for medium 1 milk, 1 sugar. You get the idea.
Add up the change: If your health is not a big enough motivator, check your back account. Every week, add up the money you spend on eating out and make a commitment to bring that amount down for the following week. You may be in for a big surprise!
Pack snacks and drinks from home: If you know you are going to be on the road, make sure you pack a bag of healthy snacks so you will not be tempted to make a quick stop to the nearest drive-thru. For all the early morning coffee goers, bring a large bottle of water, a flask filled with your favourite herbal tea, or even a healthy smoothie. Not only will you have plenty of liquids to get you through your morning drive, it will also leave no cup holder space for an extra cup of coffee.