
Benefits of Garlic

Fresh raw garlic may help treat and prevent high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, heart disease, and even some cancers.

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Garlic is used for many conditions that occur in the heart and the blood system. It has multiple benefits and is a tremendous and nutritious health food! The best part about garlic is that it is used commonly in both the medical and culinary industries!

Medical: Uses for garlic!

  • Garlic provides triple protection because it is an anti-viral, and-bacterial, and anti-fungal
  • It has also been proved to aid with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), reduced the risk of developing some types of cancers, reduces the risk of getting a tick bite, and many other health benefits.

Culinary: Ways to add raw garlic to your diet!

Dip: Just whip it up with some chickpeas or white beans to get a creamy hummus. You can also use garlic in salsa and sauces. A little chopped garlic mixed with avocado adds flavor and tastes great.

Garlic Butter: Make your own garlic butter and spread over bread. You can use garlic butter on baked potato!

Salad: Just chop fresh garlic and use in a salad dressing or just mixed with salad.

Soup/Stir fry: Smash or chop garlic and toss it in after the soup is done.

Juice it: Add it to a smoothie. You won't even taste it.

Raw garlic shot: For those brave souls who can chop garlic and chug it down, just remember to take it with some fat like olive oil or coconut oil. The oil will protect your stomach and improve absorption of the compound. Taking raw garlic on am empty stomach will upset the stomach. Although swallowing whole garlic is easier, to get the maximum healing benefit, crush garlic before chugging it down.

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