Learn helpful tips to help maximize your brain function.

The brain is a very sophisticated part of the human body. The brain composes the entire central nervous system and affects how we think, feel and behave.
Food fuels all parts of our bodies, and our brain is no exception. A healthy well-balanced diet helps to ensure the brain can function at its maximum potential. Studies have shown there is a definite connection to what we eat and our mood.
Eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, limited processed / refined sugars, with modest amounts of lean meats and dairy has been shown to have the greatest impact on brain health.
Nutrition impacts the development of diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Proper food choices reduce the risk of developing these health problems, the same can be said for our brain and our mental health.
Try some of these tips for improved brain health today:
1. Minimize saturated and trans fats – Studies have shown that saturated and trans fats can have a negative impact on the brain and nervous system.
2. Include fruits, vegetables, and legumes with every meal – Countless studies have been shown to link improved mental health with a diet that incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. Increase Vitamin E and Vitamin B12 – Both Vitamin E and B12 have been shown to have an impact on brain health and memory. Try Foods such as mangos, spinach, and nuts for more Vitamin E. Try fortified foods or supplements to meet the daily requirements for Vitamin B12.
4. Eat foods with Omega-3’s – Omega 3’s help with brain development as well as brain function. Common food sources of omega 3’s can be found in foods such as Salmon, Chai seeds, and Cod Liver Oil.
5. Limit sugary foods- Excessive amounts of sugar in the diet can have negative impacts on our memory and recall, cognitive functioning, and attention.