Increased water consumption has been scientifically linked with increased chances of weight loss!

A 2005 study published in ‘Obesity Research’ has revealed that water drinkers consume approximately 194 fewer calories per day then those who do not drink water. Drinking water can help to replace high caloric beverages with one that is calorie-free. High calorie drinking include drinks that are high in sugar, such as pop or juice.
Water also helps to increase the feeling of fullness and decrease the risk of overconsumption. A study in 2010 discovered that participants who drank 10oz. of water before eating their meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not drink water before a meal.
Foods with a higher water content also assist with weight loss as well. Foods with a lot of water look larger, require more chewing and are absorbed slower by the body helping you to feel full. Examples of water rich foods include: vegetables (celery and cucumbers), fruits (watermelon), some soups, and oatmeal.
Don’t like the taste of plain water…try adding citrus fruits, cucumber, or mint leaves!