Did you know that 60 men lose their life to suicide globally every hour? The Movember campaign supports many cause areas like mental health and suicide prevention. Mental health is the health of our minds and is a factor that impacts our overall health. It is connected to our thoughts, feelings, problem solving, and ability to cope with stress.
It is important to recognize the signs that someone is in distress. Look out for the following:
Social withdrawal - They may isolate themselves from social settings and reduce activity on social media.
Personal appearance - They may forget hygiene and grooming.
Sleep disturbances - They may experience insomnia or oversleeping.
Talk of death or dying - They may express their feelings of hopelessness and express thoughts of self-harm.
What you can do to help:
Ask – You can start by asking someone how they are feeling. Opening the door to conversation just might be what they need.
Listen – Give your undivided attention, ask questions, and let them know you are there for them.
Encourage action – Emphasize the importance of self-care on mental health like sleep, exercise, and eating well. You can suggest they follow-up with their doctor.
Check-in – Follow up your conversation at a later date to see how they are feeling.
Visit the Movember website for more information and resources on men’s mental health and suicide prevention.
Writer: Lauren Sibbald, Health Promotion Coordinator