The first step to successful stress management is stress identification. This involves determining what stresses you out. Once you have identified your stressors, you can take action to lessen or minimize them. Here are the three steps of stress identification:
1. Know Your Symptoms: How does your body react when you are stressed? Some of the common symptoms you might experience when you are stressed are a fast heart rate, headaches, racing thoughts, feeling nervous, and being easily irritated. Knowing your symptoms will help you decide what the best stress management techniques would be for you.
2. Know Your Triggers: Once you know your symptoms, you can figure out what is causing you to feel this way. A stress trigger can be as small as unexpected traffic or as big as unexpected life events. Some common triggers include illness, finances, lack of time or sleep, uncertainty, responsibility to care for others, traffic, and expectations from others. Knowing your triggers will help you better prepare for them.
3. Know What You Can and Cannot Control: In addition to managing your symptoms, you can try to manage your triggers. A great starting point is identifying what you can and cannot control. For example, if you are experiencing fatigue due to difficulties falling asleep, the solution may be to keep all your electronics outside your room to reduce screentime before bed. If you cannot control the situation, try changing how you react to it and practicing stress management techniques to reduce your symptoms.
To get you started, use the attached worksheet to this article to guide you in your stress identification process.
Writer: Cynthia Nakabiri, Health Promotion Coordinator